So farming is not new to our family. I have fond memories of heading over to the Eastern Shore, VA as a child and playing on my grandfather's huge tractors or running through the perfectly manicured fields of crops. Farming is in the blood even if you move away from it. When we moved to Howard County I put in two large beds, one for flowers and one for tomatoes. Once my hands hit the soil, it was like something was "awoken" inside me and I was back home. I maintained these two beds until a basketball AAU trip took me to Louisville, KY and Chicago, IL over a two week period. Needless to say when I got back there was not much left as none of my plants were watered through MD's hottest time of the year. Life went on and the business of family life and work took over, but I would frequently look in the backyard and have an ache in my heart to get back to that freedom, that feeling of life around my fingers. I am so blessed to have the legacy and lineage that I have. I thank my heavenly Father, my grandfather, great grandfather and my father for the special DNA to love growing things, the appreciation and respect for the land we have, the freedom to be able to support my family and those living organisms in our space. It is a blessing to have the time to reflect on life and how I grow-up.